Differential alterations in physiological and biochemical traits of rohu (Labeo rohita) exposed to experimental doses of carbofuran pesticide
Impacts of carbofuran pesticide on Labeo rohita
Major carp, pesticide pollution, aquatic toxicology, anthropogenic stressorAbstract
Carbofuran is a common and widely used pesticide for agriculture (growing different types of crops) across Bangladesh. The ultimate destination of pesticides is aquatic environments through run-off, having a long-term adverse effect ecosystem and aquatic biodiversity. The present study was conducted to determine the effects of different doses of carbofuran on a major carp fish, Rohu (Labeo rohita). Four different doses of carbofuran were maintained including: 0 mg/L (control), 0.5 mg/L (T1), 1 mg/L (T2) and 2 mg/L (T3) to investigate the biological changes in Rohu for 60 days. Carbofuran treatments resulted in 20 – 30% lower growth, 20 – 48% lower survival rate and 10 – 20% lower blood cell counts compared to the control. In contrast, 30 – 60% higher oxygen consumption rate, 15 – 50% higher blood cortisol and 20 – 80% higher blood glucose levels were obtained for the three carbofuran treatments. Significantly higher (P < 0.05) growth, survival and blood cell counts in contrast to lower levels of O2 consumption, blood glucose and cortisol levels indicate no imposed stress on Rohu at the control condition. Large scale changes in growth, survival, O2consumption, blood cell counts, blood cortisol and glucose levels are indicative of the intensity of stress imposed on the experimental fishes. Types and number of deformed blood cells were also found to vary significantly (P < 0.05) among the treatments. Gill ultra-structural view also exhibited considerable damage in gill lamellae and filaments with increasing pesticide concentrations. Overall, findings of this study imply that lower carbofuran dose (T1 = 0.5 mg/L) initiate the slight damage in different biological traits of Rohu while higher doses (T1 = 1 mg/L and T2 = 2 mg/L) cause severe damage. Thus, pesticide pollution is a severe threat to aquatic biodiversity and appropriate measures must be taken to control the excessive use of this chemical to protect the entire aquatic ecosystem as well as biodiversity.References
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ayesha Akter MITU, Wasim AKRAM, Md. Monirul Islam MRIDUL, Md. Shariar Kabir ZEEHAD, Md. Lifat RAHI

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