Effect of arsenic on the biological traits of the Major carp, Rohu (Labeo rohita)

Arcenic impacts on biological traits of carp





Major carp, arsenic, climate change


Arsenic is a highly toxic metalloid that can have detrimental effects on farmed aquatic species, negatively impacting growth, metabolism, immunity and overall wellbeing of fish. The Indian major carp, Rohu (Labeo rohita) is a major freshwater aquaculture species that faces various production related issues associated with water quality parameters. The current study was designed to elucidate the effects of three different doses of arsenic (As) (T1 = 1 µg/L, T2 = 2 µg/L, and T3 = 3 µg/L) on the physiological (growth and O2 consumption), biochemical (blood cell counts), and genetic (expression levels of three selected genes) responses of Rohu. This study revealed significant (P<0.05) biologicl abnormalities and deformities in arsenic-exposed Rohu carp. The growth rate of fish decreased with increasing arsenic concentrations. O2consumption rates of fish were increased (1.6 – 2 fold) with increasing experimental arsenic concentrations but blood cell counts were in a declining trend. Expression levels of the three selected genes showed arsenic dose specific differential changes; higher expression at control condition (1.5 – 2.1 fold) while lower expression at the treatment conditions. Results of this study clearly point out that different doses of arsenic impose stress at different orders of magnitude on the experimental Rohu individuals. The findings of the present study suggest that arsenic pollution significantly impacts the physiological (growth, development, metabolism and survivability), biochemical (hematological parameters) and molecular mechanisms of this economically important fish (L. rohita). Therefore, it is an imperative to maintain the optimum water quality (pollutant free) in the farming environments.


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How to Cite

LEMA, M. Z., Al ZOBAYER, M. F., AKRAM, W., ANTI, F. T. Z., & RAHI, L. (2024). Effect of arsenic on the biological traits of the Major carp, Rohu (Labeo rohita): Arcenic impacts on biological traits of carp. MARINE REPORTS (MAREP), 3(1), 32–47. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12362153



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