Morphometric relationships and basic morphology of sagitta otoliths of the Pacific Bearded Brotula (Brotula clarkae) in the Colombian Pacific Ocean
Otolith description, otolith morphometric relationship, ontogenic dimorphism, Pacific Ocean, ColombiaAbstract
Based on sagitta otoliths of the Pacific bearded brotula Brotula clarkae, Hubbs, 1944, morphometric relationships were estimated among the length and weight of fishes, with length, weight, and radius of otoliths. The best fit was with power models for Total length - Otolith length, Total length - Otolith weight, Total weight - Otolith length, Total weight - Otolith weight, Total Length - Otolith Radius, and Total weight - Otolith Radius. Morphological descriptions showed otoliths as spindle-shaped, slightly curved, laterally elongated (tusk-like), and slightly concave from the distal surface with no similarities with other otoliths of the family Ophidiidae. There is an ontogenic dimorphism where sagitta otoliths of small specimens showed several protuberances at the distal surface, while those of larger specimens showed only two-to-three protuberances.
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