Interactive governance of fisheries and aquaculture: Transdisciplinary challenges and stakeholder involvement in coastal zone management
Governance of fisheries and aquaculture
Coastal zone management, governance framework, aquaculture, fisheries, sustainability, stakeholder engagementAbstract
This paper examines the interactions between fisheries and aquaculture in Northern Norway, with a particular focus on environmental impacts and governance frameworks. The increasing overlap between aquaculture facilities and critical fisheries, such as cod spawning grounds, has raised concerns regarding habitat degradation and ecosystem sustainability. This study evaluates stakeholder perspectives through a 2020 survey, exploring the challenges of governance, stakeholder engagement, and compliance with environmental regulations. We analyzed how national, regional, and local governance structures interact and how these multi-layered frameworks are crucial for mitigating conflicts between aquaculture and fisheries. The findings underscore the need for enhanced monitoring systems, more transparent decision-making processes, and an integrated governance approach that incorporates both scientific knowledge and local insights to ensure the sustainable development of coastal zones.References
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