Exploring Doctor fish (Garra rufa, Heckel, 1846) breeding: A concise review
Culture conditions of Doctor fish (Garra rufa)
Garra rufa, doctor fish, spafish, aquaculture, breedingAbstract
Garra rufa is a fish species belonging to the Cyprinidae family. Referred to as the "Doctor Fish" due to its utilization in the treatment of certain skin diseases, Garra rufa can easily thrive even in high-temperature thermal waters. When these fish come into contact with individuals entering thermal waters, they create a massaging effect through their mouth-touch actions on the human body. Consequently, these fish are widely used in the tourism sector, particularly in SPA centers. This method of use has spread to many regions worldwide. Each year, millions of Garra rufa are used in this manner. Therefore, active businesses globally require a substantial number of healthy fish annually. To meet the necessary demand, there is a need for Garra rufa aquaculture facilities. Except for a few small-scale entrepreneurs in Türkiye, there are no professionally managed Garra rufa aquaculture operations. To fill this gap in the field, supporting the cultivation of this species is vital. This article provides fundamental and general information about Garra rufa aquaculture. Sharing such information with the public is important in offering ideas to aspiring entrepreneurs interested in cultivating this species.References
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