Preliminary investigation on rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) as natural food for polychaete worm (Marphysa iloiloensis): growth, setiger, and survival performance
Rotifer as natural food for Polychaete worm
Polychaete Marphysa iloiloensis is one of the most common live bait species targeted by bait diggers in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines. It is considered a nutritious and high-protein source of food for aquaculture, either in fresh form or incorporated in feeds. However, as wild populations of polychaete are subject to ecological and animal welfare concerns, along with resource depletion, the literature on feeding polychaete M. iloiloensis larvae is inadequate and scarce, making polychaete aquaculture an ideal alternative. The present study aimed to investigate the rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) as natural food for the cultured polychaete M. iloiloensis on the growth, setigers, and survival performance. Polychaete M. iloiloensis larvae were fed with three different concentrations of rotifer, namely, Treatment 1 (T1) = 5 mL, Treatment 2 (T2) = 10 mL, and Treatment 3 (T3) = 15 mL cultured for 45 days. Results showed that 5 mL and 10 mL of rotifer stimulated improvement in growth and an increase in setiger count after 45 days of the culture period, although the differences were not significant (p>0.05) compared to 15 mL concentration of rotifer. Moreover, a 5 mL and 10 mL concentration of rotifer significantly increased (p<0.05) polychaete M. iloiloensis survival compared to a 15 mL concentration. Hence, this study suggests that rotifer (B. plicatilis) can effectively alter the diet of the polychaete M. iloiloensis to promote growth, setiger formation segments, and enhance survival.References
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rizal Jhunn ROBLES, Delia PEJANA, Sheyada JANI, Cherry NIAN, Ainulyakin IMLANI, Abdurizal ELDANI, Jurmin SARRI

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