Dear Researcher,
AQUATIC ANIMAL REPORTS (AQAR), an International open access journal, publishing high quality innovative articles in all aspects of Aquatic animal studies from all around the World, is delighted to invite new submissions for the next issue that is scheduled to be published in August 2025.
Submission deadline is 5 July 2025.
AQAR welcomes high quality scientific papers in environment, biology, fisheries, aquaculture, and human interactions and contributions connected to interdisciplinary nature of marine and freshwater ecosystems.
All submission can be uploaded online through paper submission system For more information about AQAR and paper submission, please visit the journal’s website at
For questions and Editorial enquiries please send your message to or
Authors submitting their research to AQAR will benefit from;
Free English Language Editing Service (ELE) for all submissions, and
Free Turkish-English Translation (TET) (paper submissions from Türkiye) for submissions by young scientists from Turkish Universities. Therefore, articles from Master Thesis and Doctoral dissertations are highly encouraged to support young scientists, who may submit their work in Turkish language that will be translated into English FREE of charge by our translation and editing office prior to review process.
* ELE and TET services are available for the first 20 article sumbissions for each volume in a calendar year.
* English translation service is limited to Turkish for now. In the future, services will be provided in other languages as well.
All submissions will be processed through peer review and there is no article processing charge (APC) at any stage of the publication process, and no page charge for individuals or funding organizations, and all accepted papers will be available online with DOI number and free PDF download.
We are available for your service in publishing your scientific article in AQAR journal.
Stay Safe & Healthy.
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